Thursday, 12 September 2013

Lend Strength to Your Vehicle by Increasing Lead Acid Battery Life

Lead acid battery is one of the oldest forms of rechargeable batteries. It has a very low energy-to-weight ratio as well as a low energy-to-volume ratio. However, the cells are blessed with such ability to generate power that it is the most preferred automotive battery till date. Extraordinary features along with low prices make it really attractive and useful for millions of users with different financial strengths.

As lead acid batteries are remarkably inexpensive and efficient as compared to other high-tech batteries, it is expected that lead acid green energy will continue to rule the heart of vehicles for many years to come. However, nothing in this world is resistant to damage. If you fail to take proper care of your lead acid battery life from time to time, you are sure to invite some unwanted problems for your vehicle and yourself.

To be able to take lead acid battery care, you need to learn the basics of lead acid battery anatomy. Generally, there are three types of lead acid batteries: 

  • Starter batteries - Used to start engines in vehicles.
  • Deep-cycle batteries - Used in renewing energy applications and camping.
  • Marine batteries - Used both for starting and for deep cycle applications.

With the help of a reversible chemical reaction between lead plates and dilute Sulphuric Acid, lead acid batteries generate electricity for vehicles. In order to ensure 100% performance and lead acid battery safety, they need to be exercised regularly. If you take right care of them, they will work efficiently for many years.

We are indeed a leading name among the lead acid battery manufacturers of today. We make a brand on which you can truly rely on. Heavy-duty automotive, tractor and tubular stationary batteries for automotive vehicles, UPS system, inverters and generator are the special products manufactured by us. These batteries are made by using the state-of-the-art technology that promises to deliver high performance, economical benefits and value for money.

We know that in the light of the new age technologies, lead acid batteries may seem to be extremely out dated and non-reliable. But, the truth is, they are tested and trusted for their performance and are here to stay. At Gem, we have done a bit of pepping up to ensure that your lead acid battery looks great and gives robust performance against all odds.

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