There are a few common things that every vehicle owner is aware of, especially dead automotive batteries is like an indispensable part of every vehicle owner’s life. If you fail to go for battery servicing at period intervals or take care of it properly, your car is bound to get dormant and leave you stuck in the middle of a highway totally helpless. Except improper servicing, there are several causes that leads to dead car batteries.
Some of the well-known causes are as follows:
Some of the well-known causes are as follows:
- Accumulation of sulphate on the plates - This interferes directly with the charging of an automotive battery. And, the situation is worsened when the temperature rises over 70 degrees discharging the battery below 10 volts.
- Losing electrolyte from overcharging or over heating the battery - Oozing of electrolytes due to overcharging of automotive batteries can lead to damage of the battery over a certain period of time. This happens primarily because of corrosion of metal plates and other vital parts of the gadget inside the outer covering of the battery.
- Under charging of battery resulting in untimely demise - Undercharging of automotive batteries is a very fatal problem. Undercharged batteries have to work harder than a fully charged battery to give the standard output. This in turn plays havoc on battery life contributing to untimely death
Once you are make yourself aware of the most important points that leads to dead automotive batteries, you can take the preventive measures very easily without any professional assistance. No matter if you buy your automotive batteries online or automotive batteries on sale, by following these strategies you can avoid a dead battery crisis meaningfully.
- Regular maintenance of automotive batteries is very important
- Avoid overheating
- Take extra care of your battery during extreme weather conditions
- Check electrolyte level in the battery at regular intervals
- Make sure you keep the battery terminals clean and dry